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ENRELY is a security combination solution for the electrical system. With ENRELY, customers benefit from markedly reduced costs and safety of the electrical system and environment . Thanks to flexible applications and multifunction that means a package solution of the whole system takes ground potential attack suppressing, fault arc warning, three-phase unbalance adjustment , reactive power optimization,harmonic filtering and low voltage control, and significantly reduce the consumption of transformer, line loss, suppress over-voltage induced by resonance/operator and lightning and alleviate the insulation aging etc. ENRELY can be installed or expanded in any location, at any time, regardless of whether or there is not already a LPS or other safety system installed. ENRELY fault self-...
GPAS (Ground Potential Attack Suppressor) is an active lightning protection device that combines ground potential attack suppression and fault arc defense. It can significantly reduce lightning damage, Arc damage and destruction of the equipment through suppress the ground potential counter-attack .The fact of lightning – It must be respected at all times, not just during the peak periods of a thunderstorm.– It is the result of high voltage currents.– It is unpredictable. This makes researching natural organic strikes very hard.– Most characteristics of lightning are intelligent estimates of typical values formed from other data.– A properly installed lightning protection system will help to protect a property or structure from lightning damage. The Empire State Building is proof of t...
What to expect with GreenSine?BENEFITS:There are several benefits of reducing harmonics and disturbances in the electrical network.1 optimize your network , lower network utilization (stability , compensate power)2 Lower losses in the transformer, decrease power consumption and noise 3 Prolonged equipment lifetime with harmonic mitigation.4 Avoid non-compliance with electrical standard 5 Increased operational efficiency by avoiding unplanned stops 6 Keep speed of turbine , engine ,and fan with elimination of pulsating torque.THOSE INDUSTRIES NEED GreenSine: 1 Process industry : power quality in energy intensive process , require an uninterrupted flow of production caused by trips , unplanned stops , equipment failure , reduced equipment life and flicker . 2 Marine ...
WHAT IS STATIC VAR GENERATOR?The principle of SVG: When the load is generating inductive or capacitive current , it makes load current lagging or leading the voltage . SVG detects the phase angle difference and generates leading or lagging current into the grid , making the phase angle of current almost the same as that of voltage on the transformer side .which means fundamental power factor is unit.Static Var Generator systems are based on VSC (voltage source controller) technology and usually custom-made for a specific case or installation. SVG devices are connected in shunt or parallel to the load.SVG is usually installed to support electricity networks that have a poor power factor and often poor voltage regulation. SVG is the best solution often deployed by utilities or large operatio...
The VAAS( voltage automatic adjustment system ) is a kind of voltage sag corrector/active voltage conditioner which use different solution developed by Enrely company. It can prevent cost loss due to voltage sag in semiconductor, pharmaceutical and other power-critical manufacturing applications.The VAAS can cut off voltage sag power source for short time, typically 1~3s, and supply power to load during the voltage sag moment. It can support power supply, adjust the voltage sag, adjust and the voltage raise, eliminate the load reference and provide real time monitoring of fault arc.The effects of voltage sagIf voltage drop to 60% and keep the sag for more than 12 waveforms, the computer system will lost data and inner program will be disorder.If the work voltage was lower than 85% of syste...
The VFOS (Voltage Fluctuation Onsite Solution) is developed for purpose of solving the light load fake voltage on the end of line, and raise the voltage for heavy load. Also it can adjust the over voltage and voltage sag, eliminate the load reference and monitoring the fault arc by real time.
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